Promoting WASH for hard to reach communities including Tea garden workers in Bangladesh
IDEA has been implementing the WASH for tea picker’s project in Sreemongal Upazila of Moulavibazar
district taking funds from WaterAid. This project aims to meet the gap between safe access to water and sanitation, poor water quality, functional water sources, unsafe sanitation, and poor hygiene behaviour and address the widespread stigma around menstrual hygiene in excluded tea workers community. It is a right-based project where both software and hardware support are provided. The project focuses on supporting mostly marginalized females and adolescents to make them more empowered in getting access to WASH services.
Project Location: Sreemangal and Kamalganj Upazila under Moulvibazar District of Bangladesh
Main Activities:
The four SOs selected for this project are:
1. Improving demand and use of equitable and sustainable WASH services
2. Increased participation of women and the socially excluded
3. Improved public sector equitable and sustainable WASH service delivery and governance.
4. Improved private sector sustainable and equitable WASH service delivery.
Key interventions
• Hygiene Promotion session at School;
• Menstrual hygiene management training for 90 adolescent girls was facilitated;
• Meeting with Upazila-level service providers, Tea Garden Authority & Labor Union;
• Upazila, District Consultation/workshop;
• Pro-poor strategy consultation/roll-out workshop at district/upazila level;
• 5 batches of Training/Orientation to Panchayet & Labor Union on WASH Rights, roles & responsibilities towards improving WASH situation;
• Ten Improve latrine, Hand washing device and Water point installation through motivation.
Donor: WaterAid Bangladesh
Amount of Budget (2022): BDT. 82,26,950.00
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