Community Development


The proposed project activities are designed to assist the poor and vulnerable people, particularly PAPS by raising awareness, enhancing their productive potential, improving their health, livelihood, and education and making sustainable use of their potential to overcome their economic challenges. This project used to be implemented by another NGO with the financial support of LafargeHolcim Surma in Chhatak. An agreement has been signed between IDEA and Lafarge to implement the project by IDEA. IDEA is selected to implement activities on health care activities and IGA-related supports.

  Key Interventions

Organic Village:
• Field level orientation on land care 1 day
(100 Farmers);

• Input support vegetable seed for Homestead gardening (100 Farmers);
• Training on organic practices (compost, bio pesticide, hormone) 3 days (100 HH) in 5 batches;
• Input support vermin, RCC ring and CI sheet. (100 Farmers);
• Organize 1 Organic Fair with the organic producers.

Primary Education:
• School and sub center Operation (A Primary School – 143 students & 6 Sub center school-290 Students);
• Material Support (notebook, book, pen, pencil, supplementary reading material)- (30 Students of Class -V).

• Regular clinic operation for Primary Health care- 6482 patient;
• Medicine supply to clinic and sub centers (when necessary)- monthly-30,000/= BDT;
• Regular sub center operation for Primary Health care- 10828 patient;
• Regular home visit – 2955 visits;
• Conduct monthly adolescent meetings- 20 Meetings for 261 adolescent girl;
• By monthly health camp- 6 events;


Sylhet District




LafargeHolcim Surma