Improving WASH service in climate vulnerable areas
The last catastrophic flood has damaged the infrastructure of all the institutions such as Schools, Community Clinics and Madrasahs including the homesteads in Chhatak Upazila under Sunamganj District. The heavy flow of water which has come from nearest India has also damaged a majority of Tubewells, existing sanitation complex, and other water access points of institutions at Chhatak, inasmuch as the flood entrance in Sunamganj through Chhatak Upazila. In this context, WaterAid Bangladesh has designed 15 month long project to work in post-flood rehabilitation to improving WASH services in the institution level in flooded areas and to stand beside the flood-affected peoples of Chhatak area under Sunamganj District. The overall objective of the project is to create access to WASH service in institutions in climate vulnerable areas. The main activities are renovating resilient WASH facilities in institutions in Chhatak Upazila under Sunamganj District.
Location: Chattak Upazila from Sunamgonj District.
Donor: WaterAid Bangladesh
Amount of Budget (2023-2024): BDT 6777372.00
Main Activities:
- Project organized an Improving WASH service project inception meeting on 13th March 2023 at Upazila Parishad Conference Hall at Chhatak.
- In the targeted by the project two Secondary Schools and Five Community Clinics will be on worked. And accordingly by talking to the local concerned authorities of institutions and according to the needs of the project, the Hazi Raich Ali High School, Shahjalal High School and Rhamatpur Community Clinic, Laxibour Community Clinic, Bilapar Community Clinic, Harishpur and Amertoyl Community Clinic has been selected for work. and meantime, Two school and Three clinics sanitation complex work has been completed and organized three handover ceremony of sanitation complex to respective authority.
- Three Capacity building Training on WASH has been organized with School Management Committee of Hazi Raich Ali High School and Community Group of Rahmatpur Community Clinic and Loxmibour Community Clinic.
- A WASH campaign was organized at Hazi Raich Ali High School. About 300 students of the school participated in the WASH campaign. The school teachers, parents, school management committee members, journalists and local government representatives were also present.
- The project developed the capacity of 300 students for menstrual hygiene management. Interactive Q&A and audio-visual educational approaches have been used to increase the awareness, attitudes and practices of adolescent girls on various behavioral aspects.
- Eleven progress review meeting organized at project office.
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