School Renovation Project
Objective: Overall goal of the project is to Increase and improve access to, and quality of learning in Naliuri Government Primary School at Sylhet. The project is designed to contribute SDG 4 and 6.
Location: Naliuri Government Primary School at Golapganj Upazila of Sylhet District
Donor: Penny Appeal
Amount of Budget (2022): 1,890,896.00 BDT
Main Activities:
- Conduct a Coordination meeting with Upazila Administration, UEO, Teacher and School Management Committee at school for the smooth operation and management of the facility renovation
- Upgrading physical facilities; Renovation of 3 classroom’s wall, ceiling, floor, 4 doors, 6 windows, 30 benches, 5 tables and tin in tin shade building by September 2022
- Coloring inside and outside of the building’s wall
- Electric wiring and fittings in the building connecting extension line from the new one stored building which will be done in wash facility
- Gardening & Tree plantation within the school boundary
- A awareness Meeting on Safeguarding issues with Teacher, SMC and labor
- Conduct a orientation meeting of teachers and school management committee for smooth operation and maintenance.
- Renovation building Opening ceremony
- Install a wash facility for Girl and teacher with MHM facility
- A MHM training for 30 adolescent girls at school for creating awareness about MHM.
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