Accessing Learning Opportunity to the Young, Adolescents and Livelihood Options for Women (ALOY-ALOW Project)
Objective: Contribute to ensure rights to education and dignity of life of children following an integrated development program approach in the hard-to-reach areas of Moulvibazar district in Bangladesh.
Location: Naliuri Government Primary School at Golapganj Upazila of Sylhet District
Donor: Child Fund, Korea and Educo
Amount of Budget (2022): 1,18,34,815.00 BDT
Main Activities:
• A total number of 33 ECD centres have been established among them 22 were newly constructed and 11 were rented;
• Total number learner enrolled in these 33 ECDs are 672;
• Regularly conduct parenting sessions on child development, protection, nutrition etc. issues;
• Provided 8 trained PPE teachers to 8 Government primary schools;
• Need-based 6 renovation work done for PPE class and Primary school;
• Provided pedagogic materials to 3234 learners;
• Homestead gardening training received by 180 parents. Trainees were provided with various types of vegetable seeds for homestead gardening;
• Five community-Based Child Protection Committees (CBCPC) have been formed for safeguarding the children and protect them from abuse, violence and harassment.
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